Thursday, July 9, 2009

My new semester as fultime student

letih nya aku minggu nie...

Hari Isnin, aku miss 1st class martime law. so aku tak kenal lecturernya then tak leh wat pre judgement. As usual i'm not like other student. First impression whoever lecturer teach me will give effect for the whole semester i learn the subject from her/him. But my senior kata dia ok.... Pn Wan Adibah graduated from Southampton University.

Tapi the maritime subject tue teknikal nya susah. Sebab a few jargon words/terminologies that i should familiar with. then, it involves pengiraan pengairan laut dalam and others. Tapi kalau kat UUM aku rasa belum ada yang master bidang tue, international law dah ada. hehehe

Then aku masuk kelas Medical law yang sem lepas aku tak sit final exam. Dr anisah dah kenal and dia bagi exception 'hadi, u don't have to come my class pun tak pe'. Masuk time presentation. Tapi sebab dah buat fultime, alang2 masuk jelah kan. Course assesment dah berubah, Dr Anisah bagi 50-50, then ada movie review and the most essential part is that tak de written project paper.

S kenal lah kawan2 baru ada kakak lawyer dari Terengganu practised 7 years kat kuala terengganu. ada kawan dari Iran fatimah, maybe dia drop paper tue.

then masuk kelas Islamic Criminal law. I just sit in this class. My kuota dah penuh this semester. A new lecturer from Canada but originality from Pakistan. good, tak sangka dia lecturer Dr Anowar sebab selalu jumpa kat surau jer. Really good,just sit in for the seek of knowledge

International Law, Dr Rohimi. First class dia minta maaf sebab lewat due to his admin post. Tapi dia ok. First impression, dia tabligh kot...

Tapi keseluruhan dia ok.

Kelas admin law, quite boring maybe first topic tapi sebab petang until night kelas tue. So jadi letih. I'm just sit in the class

Islamic Financial System- the lecturer ok but the class is big and the students semua senior practising lawyer. Tapi ok jer. I'm just sit in the class.

Esok tunggu kelas Dr Rohani - Methodology

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